“The Halacha’s Not Like R’ Shimon” – A Glimpse into the Holy Neshama of Rashbi

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  • Theories on why the halacha’s (usually) not like R’ Shimon bar Yochai, and the difference between when he is called R’ Shimon ben Yochai, or just R’ Shimon.
  • What was special about Rashbi’s neshama that gave him the ability to give over the secrets of the Zohar.
  • The double and paradoxical meaning of Rashbi being the seventh to the other six whom were his students, and why he was called “Shabbos”.
  • Chiddush into the difference in style of teaching between the Idra Rabba and Idra Zuta.
  • Chiddush into some opening remarks of Rashbi to Idra Zuta, and why he waited till the last day of his life to reveal the secret of the partzufim called Abba and Ima.
  • Understanding the teaching of the Arizal that Rashbi had the soul of Achiya Hashiloni, and the relationship between them.

Lag Ba’Omer 5784

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MoadimShiur 55