Entering the Kodesh Ha’Kodoshim on Rosh Hashonah

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  1. Rav Y.B. Solovechik zt”l’s explanation of shofar blowing on Rosh Hashonah, and how it is a form of shirah (song), praising Hashem.
  2. Rosh Hashonah is our opportunity to experience what the Kohen Gadol experienced in the Kodesh Ha’kodoshim.
  3. A suggested answer to the Maharsha’s question as to why the principle of the prosecutor can’t become the defendant only applies inside the Kodesh Ha’kodoshim and not outside it.
  4. A small, but deep, Kabbalistic insight of Rav Yaacov Moshe Charlop zt”l regarding the tikkun of shofar blowing.

Elul 5783

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