חנוכה תשפ”ה
חנוכה תשפ”ה
Two aspects of Chanukah lighting: revealing and publicizing the miracle. The dispute between Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai regarding how many...
עיון לתוך דברי חז”ל בענין המעשה דיונה והקשר למצות סוכה
Succos 5785
Two types of teshuvah represented by two types of immersion, mikveh and maayan. Why “baalei teshuvah” are able to switch around their...
The kavanos (-meditation) of the Arizal for Elul. The two types of expertise one needs in order to successfully walk the path(s) of...
The need for stubborn patience in teshuva, and psychological and emotional growth.
Teshuva on one’s initial teshuva.
Elul 5784
Why is Yehoshua called “bin Nun”, and not the typical “ben Nun”? An insight into the opening Mishna in Pirkei Avos, based on the answer to...