Rav Shimon, Rambam, Corona and more…

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Please note: In the first shiur below (Mei Marom shiur), we dedicated the last ten minutes to speaking about the greatness of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. On that note, don’t forget to be mesameach Rashbi this year as per the Lag Ba’omer e-mail that I sent out. His simcha translates into our simcha and your simcha beezras Hashem!

1) Mei Marom on Shemona Perakim l’HaRambam (41 min.): 

  • Clarifying one’s will.
  • More on the Rambam’s opinion that Hashem generally doesn’t decide who we marry.
  • “Either a son like Rav Shimon Bar Yochai on no son at all”! (Makkos 17b) – For Lag Ba’omer.

2) Coronavirus Chizzuk (35 min.): 

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